Posts Tagged ‘ cricket ’

class 2/17

We had a guest speaker, Sal Cilella, from the firm Gravity Tank in class today.  He spoke to us about a lot of different things, including several of his projects.

Strangely, one of his projects was the Cricket phone, something that I actually saw a billboard for the other day.  Strange, eh?  I was wondering how people had thought about this idea.  When he began speaking about how they’d developed a new system for Cricket users, it was pretty interesting.

There are so many things left to do in our own presentation, but it’s pretty interesting to see what we’ve done so far.  From a simple hypothesis to a fully-researched solution, we’ve come a pretty long way.  There is still some frustration, but I think it’s not something we can fix at this point.  But, we’ve put most of the innovation techniques into this project, and I think it’s pretty interesting.