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victory from defeat

Another great article for innovation class.  This one focused around the benefits from failure – something that is glossed over all to quickly in society nowadays.  The article was written in the sense that you can believe that you had failed in spectacular fashion, but really have succeeded in a different category.  It’s a common lesson, but something that many people forget to consider valuable.

Much like Emily Dickinson once wrote:,

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne’er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

It’s only through failure and loss that we learn to value the good things in success.  Kind of the way relationships grow better with time, and how past failed girlfriends/boyfriends teach us how to treat the next ones much better.  In this way, it’s really interesting to see how failure doesn’t just spur a drive for success, but also a better kind of innovation in the future.  From some of the frustrations we’ve experienced during the innovation process, it’s quite clear how failing can lead to interesting insights.

One of the biggest things I liked about the article was the experiment between 2 lab groups, where different scientists were grouped with both people of the same fields as opposed to a variety of backgrounds.  The initial miscommunications seemed familiar, but didn’t end the same way ours had.  I personally believe that it is due to the way MBAs are – they aren’t used to being wrong, and especially not used to being told they are wrong.

“This is why other people are so helpful: They shock us out of our cognitive box. “I saw this happen all the time,” Dunbar says. “A scientist would be trying to describe their approach, and they’d be getting a little defensive, and then they’d get this quizzical look on their face. It was like they’d finally understood what was important.”” was a really impressive observation.  I have yet to see this look appear on any group member’s face, something that would be really amazing to see happen.

no sad faces allowed, right? 😛